Slow Dating run events in more cities than any other Speed Dating company in the UK - twenty six cities throughout England, Scotland and Wales. The company consistently receive high ratings from their customers with over 90% of attendees saying that they would recommend their friends. Over 80% of customers get at least one match, with over half getting two or more matches. At Slow Dating events, you are guaranteed to meet at least 15 single professional people and all events are held in carefully chosen upmarket bars.
The websites featured in this section organise speed dating and singles events from around the UK including many major cities in England, Scotland and Wales. Some of these sites host speciality events such as wine tasting, themed evenings, club events, singles holidays and more. Events are also offered for specific groups like gay and lesbian speed dating, events for older people and other demographic groups. Singles events are a great way to meet and date other singles in a safe and enjoyable environment, so check out these sites to see what's going on in your area.
Grape Vine Social are the original creators of the wine tasting speed dating concept, invented by a group of single professionals looking for a more stylish singles party than 3 minute speed dating. Attendees get to taste 6 wines and meet up-to 40 dates in a fun and relaxing environment. Grape Vine Social run the majority of their events at popular London venues with themed evenings including wine tasting, champagne tasting, cocktail tasting and beer tasting. Events are organised for a variety of age groups ranging from 24 to 49.
Speed dating, singles parties, champagne dating and wine tasting evenings are just some of the events organised by Urbansocial. Their website offers much more than your typical online dating site. It's a one-stop shop for your social life! The Urbansocial experience includes: Online dating among a stylish crowd of sociable singles; information on the latest dating events; charity parties, club nights; reviews and recommendations; discounted tickets to dating parties; competitions and other exclusive offers and events.
The Single Solution offers online dating services and singles events aimed at intelligent single men and women with a sense of fun, who are looking for a long term relationship. Typical members are in professions such as accounting, law, media, design, or run their own businesses and most are graduates. The Single Solution organise weekly singles events for different age groups around the UK, including speed dating, singles parties and a other special events. Asian, Hindu, and Sikh dating events are also on offer at the Single Solution.